Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tiles of Santa Luzia

One of the things that struck us when we first visited the area were the number of houses that were clad in tiles. Not any old boring beige or grey ones occasionally seen in other parts of the world. These were bright lively and colourful ones.

There is a tendency within the local community to see them as rather archaic. Certainly, local younger architects are definitely against them and encourage the local authority to plan against replacing them.

Not sure what the reasons are for this. A form of modernism and wanting to see a bright new local area. Possibly, but it is sad that a traditional form of house protection and one that for me is aesthetically pleasing is slowly being replaced by the more mundane white finish.

So after that rant, it is the reason for this page. The beginning of my collection of photos of the tiles of Santa Luzia, where we live.
I hope you enjoy them and please comment on the above if you have any thoughts!!