Monday, January 30, 2012

January Scenes in Santa Luzia

As January comes to a glorious end the sun still shines brilliantly on Santa Luzia and despite the cool easterly wind blowing off the sea it really is a wonderful time to be here.

The almond trees are in full blossom giving a rich white and pink skyline contrasting with the green and yellow ground cover created by the small yellow flowers of the ubiquitous Bermuda buttercup(Oxalis pes-caprae)that are in vibrant flower at this time of year.

There has always been controversy with those who choose a more nomadic way of life be this the Romany's, caravaners in Northern England or indeed our very own campervan people. At this time of year the towns and villages of the Algarve are amass with invaders from Northern Europe traveling in there little (or in many cases not so little) mobile homes.

I for one have no problems whatsoever. They bring their money to the area when many other tourists are still paying off their last holidays. They shop in our shops eat in our restaurants and employ the locals to wash their clothes and provide local food specialties. They are well behaved and leave no litter after them.

Long may they continue to enjoy thew winter sun

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