Sunday, June 24, 2012

S. João Patron Saint of Tavira

This weekend has been a celebration time in the Tavira area. Starting last Friday in Tavira the streets and gardens were decorated  with paper flowers as the City began the celebrations for it´s patron saint S. João (St. John)

 In the evening this looked spectacular even more spectacular:

The weekend is a time to party, listen to music, socialise and party some more. The Tavira people are proud of their heritage and customs and as such love to show this off to their summer visitors. A great example of this is the Portuguese singing style known as Fado. In good local tradition the festivities began on Friday evening with a great example of the art.

 António Correia

 Aurora Jan Gonçalves

Two wonderful exponants of the art, Márcio Gonçalves and Auroro Jan Gonçalves performed the singing accompanied by three magnificant musicians, Ricardo Martins on Portuguese guitar, Anibal Vinhas on Guitar and António Correia on Double Bass and guitar.

 Ricardo Martins
Márcio Gonçalves

António Correia and Anibal Vinhas

The crowd was a mixture of Portuguese, young and old, and many tourists who all seemed enthralled by the great show put on.

If your not sure what Fado is about and what it sounds like listen to the short video below : 

Márcio Gonçalves Aurora Jan Gonçalves singing accompanied by Ricardo Martins and Anibal Vinhas on Portuguese guitar and Guitar respectively.

An interesting little site about Fado

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Local Produce

Tavira and Santa Luzia is surrounded by orange groves. In spring the fragrant aroma that the blossoms produce pervades into every corner of  ones senses.

This year has been particularly difficult for the local citrus growers. Mainly because of the lack of rainfall between November and February. However and despite this there seems to be an abundance locally of wonderful juicy oranges.

And what beautiful orange juice they can produce. 

Another big reason to be thankful that we are living in this wonderful area with such a brilliant climate

And not forgetting the farmers, and marketeers that provide the produce.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Santa Luzia is a fusion of old, new traditional and modern

Santa Luzia is a fusion of old, new traditional and modern. It moves forward with the times but remains enclosed within it´s past. A wonderful dichotomy but for the people that  live here and want to make a living there are some serious questions that need to be asked.

The village was originally based upon fishing. That is not to say that it isn´t now. Just that the income stream for the village has swung more towards tourism over the past few years. But fishing is in the soul here and the men and women involved in this incredible industry are very proud of their roots, heritage, and responsibility to maintain and continue the profession in in the village.

I sense many of the fishermen find the tourists something of an instrusion into their simple lives. Also maybe a smattering of envy when the Portuguese from the North parade through the streets in their open top Mercedes and perceived arrogant and patronising smiles. But the Portuguese have a very long history of travelling the world and looking for new and better places to make a living. And they still do. There are more Portuguese that live outside of Portugal than within.

Sadly we have friends who are looking at present to re-locate in other countries in Europe because they are unable to attain the levels of income to sustain their lives here in Portugal. Very sad but that is the reality of Portugal at the moment. Unemployment rises by the day, further restrictions are constantly being imposed on the local fishermen, recent increases in VAT on restaurant food together with the tolls on local motorways is having a big impact on incomes from tourism. And of course the whole of Europe is feeling the pinch from the economic situation.

The original idea of this page was to show the fishing boats of Santa Luzia. But as usual I have been distracted into other issues affecting the village.

The fishermen continue to provide the best Octopus to our local restaurants. This in turn attracts visitors throughout the year to sample the delights of the local Polvo (Octopus) that is prepared superbly in various forms by the local chefs. I must admit my previous experience of Octopus did not encourage me to try it again. But, living in the 'Capital of the Polvo´ I felt duty bound to keep trying it. I now can say that it is another wonderful type of seafood that I enjoy and would certainly recommend the great local Santa Luzia restaurants to sample this delight of the sea.

I am a newcomer to the village and my Portuguese is poor. The locals are very welcoming despite my deficiencies . Hopefully over the next few years I will find out more about how the local fishermen work and think. They have my utmost respect in what they continue to do and may they farm the seas for many years to come. Obrigodinha Santa Luzia Pescadores!!

See you next blog


Monday, June 4, 2012

Fado in Santa Luzia

What a night we had at Casa do Polvo Tasquinha in Santa Luzia, Tavira on 30th May 2012.

The restaurant was celebrating it´s 2nd anniversary and to coincide with the last FADO
evening in this present series, a special evening of Fado was presented with all the recent
past performers being involved.

The restaurant was full to the brim with local Portuguese and imported residents together 
with a mixture of tourists from Holland, Germany, France and Britain.

The Fayre was up to the usual wonderful standards that this establishment has set itself 
and the service was exemplary . 


The Main Course was served and the music began, with each performer singing a couple of wonderful Fado songs. The night lights were dimming as the streetlights flickered on the waters of the Ria Formosa. The atmosphere built as the assembled people enjoyed a night of special entertainers of a very unique Portuguese persuasion performing their art to perfection.

The music continued throughout the evening with the guests reluctant to go home and the performers eager to show this uniquely Portuguese folk singing style off.

A huge thanks to our hosts Nicole and Eduardo and to the staff for making this evening possible, and of course to the musicians who were magnificent.
The Staff
Our Host Eduardo
Our Hostess Nicole (standing up)

The Musicians : 
Pedro Viola
Auroro Gonçalves
Filipa Malteiro
Hélder Coelho
Luis Manhila
Márcio Gonçalves, Ricardo Martins, Vitor do Carmo, Antonio Correia (from left to right)
Teresa Viola