Sunday, June 24, 2012

S. João Patron Saint of Tavira

This weekend has been a celebration time in the Tavira area. Starting last Friday in Tavira the streets and gardens were decorated  with paper flowers as the City began the celebrations for it´s patron saint S. João (St. John)

 In the evening this looked spectacular even more spectacular:

The weekend is a time to party, listen to music, socialise and party some more. The Tavira people are proud of their heritage and customs and as such love to show this off to their summer visitors. A great example of this is the Portuguese singing style known as Fado. In good local tradition the festivities began on Friday evening with a great example of the art.

 António Correia

 Aurora Jan Gonçalves

Two wonderful exponants of the art, Márcio Gonçalves and Auroro Jan Gonçalves performed the singing accompanied by three magnificant musicians, Ricardo Martins on Portuguese guitar, Anibal Vinhas on Guitar and António Correia on Double Bass and guitar.

 Ricardo Martins
Márcio Gonçalves

António Correia and Anibal Vinhas

The crowd was a mixture of Portuguese, young and old, and many tourists who all seemed enthralled by the great show put on.

If your not sure what Fado is about and what it sounds like listen to the short video below : 

Márcio Gonçalves Aurora Jan Gonçalves singing accompanied by Ricardo Martins and Anibal Vinhas on Portuguese guitar and Guitar respectively.

An interesting little site about Fado

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